GRN Election 2023 – Three new members for the steering committee were elected

From 24 to 30.04.23 the online election of the German Reproducibility Network took place. The members of the GRN were called to elect their representatives for the Steering Committee for a term of three years. The Steering Committee coordinates the activities of the GRN and represents the organization to other stakeholders in the scientific landscape.

We are pleased to announce that Heidi Seibold (Open Science Freelancer) and Daniel Mietchen (Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries) (both share a seat) and David Philip Morgan (University of Mannheim) have been elected to the GRN Steering Committee. We are looking forward to the new members in our team and to many exciting projects we will tackle in the future.

Felix Schönbrodt, Verena Heise, Bernadette Fritzsch and Guido Scherp leave the GRN steering committee with the end of their term. We thank them very much for their dedicated work, which has greatly advanced the Open Science community in Germany and internationally since the founding of the GRN.

May 12, 2023