When: 16 November 21, 1pm - 5pm
Where: Online (Zoom)
Hashtag: #germanreproday
Twitter: @GermanRepro
The German Reproducibility Day is dedicated to all stakeholders of the scientific landscape in Germany and beyond. The first event aims to raise awareness and discuss the relevance of reproducible and robust research, why a strong network of initiatives working towards open research in Germany is needed, and what this network’s role and mission should be. Specific examples from GRN members will be used to show how to implement and promote reproducibility. There will also be enough space for social interaction and exchange.
The event will be held in English and will be conducted via the video conferencing tool Zoom. The seminar will not be recorded.
Registration: https://gfz-potsdam-de.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMocuiqrTgtH9dFDk7lSZ8m-mLp8c3rEpZR
1:00 - 2:20 pm
Antonia Schrader, Helmholtz Association Open Science Office
Keynote "Scientific Ecosystems and Research Reproducibility"
Marcus Munafò, University of Bristol
Abstract: There has been growing interest in the question of research quality in recent years, a situation amplified by the current COVID-19 pandemic. An important question is the extent to which research culture, and current incentives, shape the behaviour of scientists in ways that may not be optimal. However, effective coordination is required to improve research integrity. For example, open research practices may act as an implicit quality control measure, and in turn improve the quality of scientific outputs and the efficiency of the scientific process. However, in the absence of incentives, uptake of these practices may be limited. Moreover, if these incentives are not common across institutions this will create an implicit “cost” to researchers at an institution that incentivises these practices if they attempt to move to an institution that does not.
Introducing the German Reproducibility Network
Rima-Maria Rahal, Network of Open Science Initiatives
2:20 - 2:40 pm
2:40 - 3:40 pm
Best practice examples from the GRN
- Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI Mannheim), Gordon Feld / Melanie Fritz
- FORRT: Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training, Flavio Azevedo
- Open Source Economists, Philipp Eisenhauer
- ReproduciblE MODELing (REMODEL), Robert Reinecke
3:40 - 4:00 pm
4:00 - 5:00 pm
Panel discussion on "Opportunities and road blocks for open science and reproducibility in Germany"
Moderation: Susann Fiedler, WU Wien
- Flavio Azevedo, FORTT
- Philipp Eisenhauer, Open Source Economics
- Gordon Feld, ZI Mannheim
- Melanie Fritz, ZI Mannheim
- Tobias Grimm, DFG
- Michael Hanke, FZ Jülich
- Veronique Kiemer, PLOS
- Robert Reinecke, REMODEL
- Günther M. Ziegler, FU Berlin
5:00 pm - open end
Socializing & networking